Wednesday, 29 June 2016


Zakat ul-Fitre:
Zakat ul-Fitr is often referred to as Sadaqat ul-Fitr.
Islamically, Zakat ul-Fitr is the name given to charity which is distributed at the end of the fast of Ramadhan.
Sadaqat ul-Fitr is a duty which is Wajib on every Muslim, whether male or female, minor or adult as long as he / she has the means to do so.
The Messenger of Allah (ï·º) prescribed Zakat-ul-Fitr one sa' of dates or one sa' of barley for every slave or freeman, young or old.

Zakat CalculatorClick Here For Download
Just fill-in the provided fields and Zakat payable will be calculated automatically!
The value of assets on which Zakat is payable should be valued using the following system:
1. Gold/Silver in any shape/form for any purpose (value after deducting cost of stones and impurities-Khot) 0.00
2. Value of land, house, building which is purchased for onward sale 0.00
3. Cash in hand, Deposits with Banks or with any other person as Amanat (Custody) 0.00
4a. Foriegn Currency 0.00
4b. Prize Bonds 0.00
4c. Insurance Premium already paid 0.00
4d. Amount Deposited/paid for Hajj 0.00
4e. Loans which are recievable 0.00
4f. Amount deposited against BC (Committee) 0.00
4g. Deposit against Imports (LC Margin) 0.00
4h. Payment made to banks for goods 0.00
4i. Investment as a partner in any business 0.00
4j. Savings certificates of all sorts (such as NIT, NDFC, FEBC) 0.00
4k. Provident Fund which is deposited with employer 0.00
4l. Raw materials 0.00
4m. Value of goods sold & payment of which is recievable 0.00
Total Value of Assets 0.00
DEDUCTIONS: You have to deduct the following before calculating Zakat Payable
5. Loans which are payable 0.00
6. Mehar Payable 0.00
7. Value of goods that are bought on credit 0.00
8. Balance installment of BC which you have already received 0.00
9. Salaries of staff which are payable for this month 0.00
10. Rent payable 0.00
11. Taxes Payable 0.00
12. Utility Bills Payable 0.00
13. Other Liabilities 0.00
Total Deductions 0.00
Net Value of Assets
Total Value of Assets 0.00
Less Total Deductions 0.00
Net Value on which Zakat is Payable 0.00
Zakat Payable = 2.50% of Net Value of Assets = ** Rs. 0.00
** All calculations are based on the Islamic Calendar Year. To calculate Zakat for the English Calendar Year, use 2.58% of Net Value of Assets.

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