What is the difference between the abbreviation i.e., and e.g.
The abbreviation i.e. (i.e., that is) is often confused with other abbreviations (e.g., e.g.). The i.e. generally is used to introduce matter that is explanatory as opposed to being the name of an example or list of examples. If you can say for example as a substitute for the abbreviation, you want to use e.g., not i.e. Do not italicize or underline these abbreviations.
What is the difference between abbreviations and acronyms?
There is a difference between acronyms and abbreviations. An acronym is usually formed by taking the first initials of a phrase or compounded-word and using those initials to form a word that stands for something. Thus NATO, which we pronounce NATOH, is an acronym for North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and LASER (which we pronounce "lazer"), is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. FBI, then, is not really an acronym for the Federal Bureau of Investigation; it is an abbreviation. AIDS is an acronym; HIV is an abbreviation. URL is an abbreviation for Uniform Resource Locator (World Wide Web address), but many people pronounce it as "Earl," making it a true acronym, and others insist on pronouncing it as three separate letters, "U * R * L," thus making it an abbreviation
What is a fact?
A fact is a statement that can be proved true through objective evidence. This evidence may be physical proof or the testimony of witness (spoken or written)
What is an opinion?
An opinion is a statement that can not be objectively proved true or false. Opinions usually express beliefs, feelings, judgements that a person may have on or about a subject.
What is imaginative writing?
Imaginative writing means creative writing. Creative writngs include novels, short stories, a piece of writing dealing with fictional situation. It can also be a poem.
Which are the three common purposes of communication?
The three common purposes of communication are:- To inform
- To persuade
- To entertain
Which factors show that your reading comprehension is not good?
Reading speed and comprehension are related. If you are not an experienced reader then reading faster can make your comprehention slow. Moreover, vocalisation i.e., reading words aloud can also make you comprehend less.
Which things should be kept in mind while reading?
As a skilled reader you must recognize the writer's purpose, tone and attitude.
What is practical writing?
Practical writing deals mainly with facts. It may be a report, an account or someone expressing his opinion on a particular matter, a series of instruction or a set of statistics
What does "making inferences" mean?
You are familiar with the expression “to read between the lines”, which means that you pick up ideas that are not directly stated in the material you are reading. The writer is giving or making a suggestion but stating it directly i.e. he is implying something. These implied ideas are often important for a full understanding of what the writer means. It is this discovering of ideas in writing that are not stated directly that is called “making inferences” or drawing conclusions.
What is a prefix, stem and suffix?
The stem of a word is its basic form, the fundamental element which is common to all the other forms of a word. A prefix is a form which is fixed to the beginning of a stem; a suffix is a form which is fixed to the end of a stem. e.g. in the word immeasurableStem = measure
Suffix = able
Prefix = im
What is a synonym?
Synonym is a word having similar meaningWhat is an antonym?
Antonym is a word having opposite meaning.How many letters are there of English alphabets?
There are 26 letters of English alphabets.What is a phoneme?
The smallest unit of sound is called a phoneme. The sound of a word which you utter is called a phoneme.
The smallest unit of sound is called a phoneme. The sound of a word which you utter is called a phoneme.
What are vowels?
Vowels are sounds produced without any obstruction in the mouth.
Vowels are sounds produced without any obstruction in the mouth.
How are phonemic symbols shown in a dictionary?
Phonemic symbols are given in slash brackets in the dictionary. / /
What is a diphthong vowel?
A diphthong vowel is the sound which is produced by combining two vowel sounds. In diphthongs, there is a movement or glide from one vowel sound to another.Moreover, there are 8 diphthong vowels in English.
What is a consonant sound?
A consonant is a sound which is articulated with some obstruction in the mouth.What is stress?
Stress is the extra force, used in pronunciation or speaking, on a particular word. A dictionary indicates stress by a tiny mark on top of a word.What is the topic of a paragraph?
The topic of a paragraph is the subject of the whole paragraph. It tells what the whole paragraph is about. It can usually be expressed in a word or two.What is a topic sentence?
The sentence which states the main idea of a paragraph is the topic sentence of that paragraph. It may occur anywhere in the paragraph_____ in the beginning, in the middle or at the end.What are connectives?
Connectives are links which are made by conjunctions that join ideas into some kind of relationship within text. These words or phrases are also known as transitional markers that connect ideas together. They indicate:- result
- contrast
- illustration
- cause and effect
- a series/time sequence
- addition
What is phonetics?
Phonetics is the precise study of human speech sounds - how they are produced, how they are transmitted and how they are heard.What is phonology?
Phonology is the broader study of major speech sounds, and their organization, in a particular language.How many phonemes are there in English?
In English 44 sounds of phonemes have been identified.How many vowel phonemes are there in English language?
There are 20 vowel phonemes in English languageWhat are references?
References are words in a sentence that refer to each other. They can be pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, adverbs etc. as well as substitute the words coming earlier ar later.Define a dictionary
A dictionary is a book that not only lists and records the words of a language but it also tells you how speakers of the language spell, pronounce, define, explain, and use the words of their language.What are some of the uses of a dictionary?
The following is a list of things that can be learned from a dictionary.- Spelling
- Pronunciation
- Parts of speech
- Origin of words
- Meaning/ explanation
- Usage/restrictive labels
- Synonyms& antonyms
- Foreign words and phrases
- General information.
What is an archaic?
Archaic is a word that is no longer in use.What is an obsolete?
Obsolete is a word that is no longer in use.Cloze
A passage is selected from which words are deleted at regular intervals. The readers have to fill in the missing words.
Skimming means reading a text quickly to get the idea of the text. The reader is just concerned with the main idea and leaves the minor or supporting details. Skimming is a useful technique especially in extensive reading.
ScanningScanning means reading a text quickly in order to look for a specific piece of information e.g. looking for a particular number in a telephone directory is scanning for information.
Good Writing Rules
Good writing depends on knowledge of three things:
i) Rules of Grammar-Syntax: deals with the parts of speech, with the variations in the form of words when used in different constructions, and with the relationship between different words within the sentence (syntax)
ii) Rhetoric: deals with the choice of words and their effective arrangement.
iii) Composition: is ‘putting together’ of parts to form a whole words into sentences, sentences into paragraphs and paragraphs into longer units
Simple Sentence:
(a) Any sentence, however long or short, that has only one subject - verb combination and expresses a complete thought is a simple sentence consisting of one subject and one verb.
- Sparks fly upwards
b) A simple sentence may have more than one subject e.g.
- Lamb and Hazlitt wrote charming essays.
c) A simple sentence may have more than one verb.
- The children splashed and squealed in the stream.
d) A simple sentence may even have several subjects and verbs. e.g.
- Every Saturday night, Shama, Salman and Minko go to the movies, eat at a Chinese restaurant and play cards at the gymkhana club. (3 subjects & 3 verb)
The Compound Sentence: is made up of two or more complete thoughts e.g.
- Saima wants biryani for dinner, but she forgot to buy meat.
The Complex Sentence:
One part can stand independently as a simple sentence:
police surrounded the building.
The other part of the sentence has a subject and a verb, but it begins with a dependent word and cannot stand alone: As the mad man made demands on the phone.
The Compound - Complex Sentence
Consists of a compound sentence (two or more independent statements / clauses) and at least one dependent statement / clause. The following sentences are samples of compound - complex sentences:
1. The Rawal Lake was impressive, but Shahid thought that Lake Saiful Malook was really
more beautiful than any other lake he had even seen.
2. The crowd of laborers had been standing patiently in the water for three hours, and great shout of relief arose when the rescuers finally appeared.
Effective Sentences: Unity, Coherence, Emphasis
1 By unity we mean that every part of a sentence / composition must contribute to one main, unifying thought.
2 By coherence we mean that the various parts of a sentence / composition must follow one another in an order which makes their relationship clear.
3 By emphasis we mean that the most important parts of a sentence / composition must be so placed that attention is directed toward them rather than toward less important parts.
Sentence Fragments
Sentence fragment, as the phrase tells you, is less than a sentence - it is a fragment because it lacks a subject or a verb or because it does not express a complete thought. The following are samples of fragments.
- My neighbour being a typical businessman who prides himself on his efficiency.
- Because there are two computers on his desk.
Run-on sentence: a sentence that is made up of two complete thoughts that have no clear break between them. There are two kinds of run-on sentences:
(i) Fused Sentences: Two or more sentences that run together with no marks of punctuation between them are said to be fused. The two sentences or two complete statements / thoughts are simply stuck together into one sentence.
- computer skills are useful in college. They will help you in getting a job as well.
(ii) Comma Splice Sentences:
Writers make this error when they try to separate the two independent clauses in a compound sentence with a comma alone.
A comma is not a strong enough punctuation mark to separate the two independent clauses by itself; thus, using it causes the clauses to be spliced together.
Tom read novel, his friend saw movie. [Wrong]
Tom read novel; his friend saw movie. [Right]
Sentences Errors to be avoided:
i Sentence Fragments
ii Run-on sentences
(a) fused sentences (b) comma splice
iii Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers
How would your friends characterise you?Look at yourself from the outside.
Question No: 38 ( Marks: 5 )

1. My sister has over two thousand old record albums, she has very little storage space left.
2. The sun is 93 million miles away it can still burn a person's skin badly.
3. My mother was born in Madrid; I had very little trouble learning Spanish.
4. The new oil painting is very colorful, it will look good with our bright furnishings.
5. Many people believe in the curative powers of this water they have felt relief after bathing in it.
Question No: 39 ( Marks: 10 )

Describe a place you will never forget.
What is your opinion about a current politician?
Question No: 40 ( Marks: 10 )

Are we too dependent on computers?
Are cell phones dangerous?
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